Welcome to The Same Press and The Same Press Magazine website.
This site features information on past, current, and future issues, writers, contributors, quality links, and submissions. The Same Press is a national small press, which publishes The Same, a magazine of poetry and prose, appearing biannually as a continuation of the journal co-founded in 2000 by Carl Bettis and Philip Miller.
Editors are currently reading for the 2016 issues of The Same. Click here for important submission guidelines.
The Same Volume 12, No. 2
Cover: Cat Douillet by Philip MIller
Featuring: Nancy Aldrich | George Arthers | Janice Atkins | Carl Bettis | Robert Cooperman | Carol Deprez | Richard Dinges, Jr. | Deborah Doolittle | Joanne Grumet | Beth Gulley | Carol Hamilton | Steve Haskin | Nicholas Johnson | Gloria Keeley | Craig Kurtz | Patricia Lawson | Richard Levine | William Mohr | Michael Morical | James Nicola | B.Z. Niditch | Eve Ott | Richard Pearce | Simon Perchik | Dean Phelps | Barbara Rogers | Dennis Ross | Charles Scott | Scott Thomas | Jared Smith | Barry Wallenstein | John Zedolik
Past Issues
Our Motto is “Everyone else is different, but we're the same!” We are eclectic and non-doctrinaire.