In Memoriam: Phil Miller–A Tribute

* – It is with much regret we relay that Editor Phil Miller, after his long battle with leukemia, passed away 2/14/2011. The Same hopes to keep Phil’s name alive by continuing his emphasis on diversity and quality and, as best we can, to extend his valuable efforts.

Editors Bio Information

* – Philip Miller lived in Mount Union, PA. The Ghost of Every Day, is forthcoming from Spartan Press. He was co-editor with Gloria Vando of two anthologies from Helicon Nine Editions: The Chance of a Ghost and In the Black/In the Red: Poems of Profit and Loss. He was the a contributing editor for the online magazineBigCityLitedited by Nicholas Johnson. He was editor of The Same.

Nancy Eldredge, managing editor of The Same, is the production editor of the Journal of Forensic Economics. Shlives in Mount Union, PA

Carl Bettis is a poet and computer programmer in Kansas City, MO. Publica­tions he has edited, co-edited, published, co-pub­lished The Slapdash Hackery Factory, Crooked Roads, The 16-Page Review, Frontier Report, E.P.A.F.A.P.N.V.R.(B.A.R.N.), bottom’s dream, Thorny Locust, and The Same, for which he is a co-founder and an as­sociate editor.

Patricia Lawson, an associate editor of The Same, has published her stories in Nimrod, The Dalhousie Re­view, New Letters, Chariton Review, Pleiades, and other publications, and her poetry in I-70 ReviewBigCityLit, and previously in The Same. She co-au­thored (with Phil Miller) Why We Love Our Cats and Dogs (Unholy Day Press). Her story, “Mentoring Heidi,” recently won second place in a chapbook contest sponsored by The Teacher’s Voice.  

Martin Mitchell, former editor of Rattapallax (2001-2006), pre­viously edited Pivot (1983-1998). He was film critic for After Dark (1968-81), and for Downtown Manhattan (1981-85). He is a con­tributor to Home Planet News, for which he has reviewed poetry books for almost twenty-five years. He is a contributing editor to both BigCityLit and The Same, and was a recent guest editor for both magazines.  

Kevin R. Miller, web design for The Same, My Decision Tree LLC.